Friday, June 15, 2007

Hypericon this weekend in Nashville, TN

Hello chaps and chapesses!
This weekend is Hypericon here in Nashville. The full schedule can be found here!

My personal schedule is here:
  • Friday: 9pm Dialogue: This Is How People Really Talk
  • Saturday: Noon Costuming - It's In The Details
  • Saturday: 1pm SIGNING
  • Saturday: 4pm READING
  • Saturday: 8pm Making The Unbelievable Believable (Yes, this is opposite the Masquerade. Please come see me for a little while at least??)
  • Sunday: 11am History of Lingerie (Me and the decadent ladies of Big City Burlesque in vintage undies. NOT TO BE MISSED! And you might learn something too!)
Hope to see y'all there!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The winds of change

Ah, it has been far too long since I have updated to you, my dear friends and readers.
There have been a lot of changes in my small literary world, and I should be able to explain all of it in the next week or two. Somethings are legal matters and must remain under wraps for the time being. Others are just too new to comment upon and when I know something, you'll know something.

Until then, take care 'til I come back... and don't burn the internet down!