Sunday, September 10, 2006

Tea Time!

I did promise tea, did I not?
And such tea it was. The Hermitage Hotel here in Nashville puts on quite the spread.
Nothing beats refined Victorian genteel mixed with Southern hospitality.

And yes, that is a spiral notebook in my lap all filled with notes on a new project that I may or may not end up collaborating on with Matt.
We were thinking of A Year and A Day for Nashville...and then thoughts started to steamroll. So I grabbed a notebook and jotted down the basics.
The questions is...where do I prioritize this project?
After the Seven Times a Woman edits, obviously. And possibly concurrent with "Safehouse" which will need a new and better title eventually.

More news on that front forthcoming.
But for now, I have a Drama-Dog to walk and a house to tidy and some edits to uhhhh...edit?
Matt corrects me that I am not editing the edits, but enacting them. So, there you go.

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